Thursday, January 21, 2010


Just like the title suggests, I'm way to anxious in a terribly bad way for tomorrows weigh in. The last two weeks (not including this week) I've been stalled, PLateau'd whatever you call it in my weight loss. I feel like I've wasted two weeks of my time and effort I don't want to make it three.
If I am stalled the scale will show 189 or higher....god I hope not and that will mean I either need to make a change or add something new and I'm just not ready.
I've stated earlier that my diet has become placee and easy almost non rewarding, maybe I jinxed myself by saying that. Figures.
I guess time will tell.....>Eck

1 comment:

  1. Relax, girl! If it shows the same just don't give up. I get the frustration, but remember not to let a number rule your life. You are more than the culmination of your losses; work through this and you will be fine! :)
