Friday, December 14, 2012

Clothing Mayhap

        Argh! Ok so I'm having a really tough time with clothing lately and creating a style for myself that I feel good in. I used to dress in just about anything that was my size so long as it looked half decent. Fit didn't matter to me then, heck being comfortable in my clothing wasn't anything I worried about either, so long as it fit. I'm sure you can all agree that when you're heavier you don't get to wear all the beautiful clothes. You wear flowers, stuff that's to tight because its a pain to always try everything on in those tiny fitting rooms. Half the stuff is to small and you work up a sweat trying to pull it all on. Trying clothing on when you weigh almost 260 pounds or more is a chore and embarrassing. I got so I'd estimate my size and just grab what looked like it fit. More then half the time the items either were tight or I couldn't get them over my head. It was horrendous. I got so I'd throw a sweater over everything I wore, and that was a poorly fitting sweater too.
         My problem now is that I do have a lot of options and while I've migrated to actually trying on clothes I still break out in a sweat and end up rushing out of the room straight after I've tried everything on. I'm getting better but the preconceived notion of everything not fitting is still there and its almost like a constriction in the throat. Now that my options have expanded greatly my tastes have changed but to what? I don't know. I'm still trying to figure that out. I follow a few blogs to get a few ideas of what looks good but most of these girls have killer body's. Me...I'm still working on mine.
I need a friend with killer fashion sense and my body type to follow. Like that is going to happen.
         I guess I'll have to figure this one out.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Caught up in life.

       Omigosh It has been forever since I've blogged. I've been following everyone else's, not diligently mind you and have neglected mine. I've just had very little time and I've hardly been following my diet, at least not as hardcore as I should be. I just don't have the time, we all get wrapped up in life sometimes. I don't lie though, between school, kids and homework its just to hard to juggle it all and try to devote some time to blogging.
      I did just get out of a 3 hour long math test. I can't say it was as hard as I expected it to be. I hope I pass that's all I'm hoping for, that's how much I have struggled with this darn class. I wish I had more time to devote to my studies. Usually I like to spend at least 3-4 hours on math each night or day to run everything over in my head and help to understand everything we went through in the day. This class was just to fast pace and in order to keep up with the daily workload I had to keep pushing on regardless if I understood it as well as I would have liked. Oh well...if I pass I pass, if I do not, then I do it over again. I don't want to have to but should I have to then I'm confident I'll get the mark I want.
     I really hope next semester's workload is not as heavy so I'll have time to read and update my blog as much as I would like to. I find it really helps me mull over the day and strive to do better in the coming days. I also love following everyone else and lend a encouraging note.  I hold them all responsible for the weight loss I've achieved currently and forever am thankful.

One day at a time....