Friday, November 20, 2009

Looooooong week

So I seen my ex husband off on Wednesday, early in the morning. He seemed pretty eager to get home, probably to meet his new woman that he had been chatting to the whole time he was down here. Right after he was out the door my bf pops in, brought me eggs so I could make breakfast.
We had eggs mixed with onions and green pepper with three pieces of bacon each. It was yummy! Afterwards we went shopping ( more window shopping then anything for me) And since it was his birthday I broke down and cheated. I had a poutine... I've been bad all week. Had a sandwich earlier in the week to. I tried to be reasonably and didn't eat it alland for the rest of the day I didn't have anything out side the limits of my diet until we got to cake....I had half a piece of birthday cake. It was a little to sweet for me. Normally I'd have two pieces with ice cream because its SOOOOO good. But after having a few bits I experienced what I've heard a few other people saying. It just didn't taste as good as I thought it was going to. So instead of eating it all waiting for that taste to come I threw it out before I had any second thoughts and went to my second job. Yeah for me!

Yesterday I didn't do so well. I had the remainder of the cake just sitting there taunting me all day, begging for me to just sample it. I managed to get all the way to 8pm before I cut up a piece and ate it. Again it just wasn't what I thought it was going to be but I did eat the whole thing. Phewy. When I look at the broad spectrum I did well. One and a half pieces is much better then my old norm of half the cake. And when weighed in with the rest of the week its no so bad because I mostly stuck to it.

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