Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Its go time!

So it was Febuary I last that was a long time ago and it took me alot longer then I thought to get started on my weight lose goals. I think I really started around the Beginning of June... I'm not sure what woke me up excately but leaving my husband and starting a new job certainly might be factors. Heh go figure.
So orginially I was doing very well I started at 237 and I'm currently down to about 215-210 not positive because I don't have a scale. I try to weigh myself every time I go out to my husband's and I martial home and get a number then so I'll try to do that next time I'm there and get a new starting weight. I don't take the scale or buy a new one because I tend to overdue it and jump on the scale way to much which in turn causes mood changes that fluctuate as does with anyone's weight.
So today is my new day one. My diet of choice is A revamped Atkins and by that I mean I try to stick to the Atkins diet namely,...... however I do not deprive myself of fruits and vegetables or pepsi...heh. I've infused my daily habits with water and crystal light (which is also an atkin No-no) I only drink diet pepsi...yes I know water is better for me but I'm breaking a pop addiction so I've brought it down to diet pepsi and only one during lunch and one at super sometimes two. I figured that if i took out everything I love I'll become depressed with my diet and not stick to it. I want to eat the foods I love but in a more healthy manner. Hopefully this way of thinking won't be my undoing.
So living on my own is taking some time to get used to. I have a full time job, as well as a part time job two kids, a dog and a boyfriend and don't forget I'm doing school through correspondance. In other words I have alot on my plate and I have no idea where I'll find time for the excercise I so desperately need. I think right now I'm going to work on staying on track in my diet and getting into a routine, I'll fit in excercise if I can but for now I won't make it the number one priority on my list.
Friday I'll try and get some pictures and measurements as well as a number for weight.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for your lovely comment!! had to drop by and check in on you... and look here i am right at the beginning! love it.
